Saturday, May 9, 2009

The winslow Kids Education mourns Eliakim!!

The Winslow Kids Community mourns Eliakim Okech, one of their own! This wonderful son aged 4 joined the Winslow Kids Education Centre on 5th, January,2009. He has been a source of great joy to this community of Kids. He was a very bright son. Last term, he scored very well in the end  of first term examination where he was ranked  the third best performer in his class. Before they closed for April holidays, he actively participated in the church beautification project where he planted a flower and watered it twice a day every week day along side his coleagues!

He is son to Mr.& Mrs. Okech. He was the fifth and last born in this family of five siblings!
He met his death accidentally on the 29th of April,2009. He fell to a 17 feet deep pit while playing with his young friends! The scan and Xrays indicated a severe head injury that damaged the head and caused bleeding deep into his brain. He spent four days in the ICU but all in vain.

He was finally burried today and never to be seen, heard speaking or ...... again!!  
Truly it is a grief moment for US ( the School community).Please pray for this Kids and their families! Amen!!!

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